
The article examines the problems of sustainable development of modern societies, identifies their causes and the evolution of views on the origins of unstable and non-equilibrium development in the spatial and temporal aspect of social and political processes. Identify the factors of territorial sustainability, stresses the importance of humanization of development of all spheres of society, the role of education in formation of personality, able to independently decide within fragile and conflict in the world. The fact of General global instability of development is emphasized. Achieving the sustainability of social systems is currently a debatable and difficult task, the main problem of its solution is the inability to meet the growing needs of both individuals and society as a whole due to the exhaustion of resources on a global scale. Of course, production and distribution in some countries is ahead of time, in others it leads to a lag at the level of previous centuries. The uneven evolution of different countries in the direction of technological structure and artificial replenishment of their own resource base, the desire of countries that have entered the era of technological take-off to take priority political and military positions, gives rise to many planetary and territorial conflicts. The technological progress itself is contradictory, all the consequences of which are still unclear, poorly understood by people, and therefore are often perceived as a threat to man himself and the future of mankind. The new era has shown that at the current level, political management and police-military pressure cannot cope with numerous social, economic, environmental, ethnic, and religious problems, and their resolution must be at a deeper intellectual and cultural level. It is obvious that the importance of forming a person who is able to understand the risks of modern civilization is increasing, breaking through the muddy waves of information flows, misinformation and myths, and the role of education and upbringing is growing many times. Step-by-step solution of these tasks can begin with separate territories that localize and concentrate the rules, methods and methods of concretizing the combined actions of administrations, citizens, parties, social movements, and cultural and educational institutions.

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