
People with disabilities are the weak of society. The weak of society has many limitations to smoothly live their own lives as a member of society. Children with disabilities are exposed to much poorer environment out of them. Even though the care policies and services related to children with disabilities are such important topics, it is needed to put much more efforts into the performance of researches, policies, and services. Moreover, it is almost rare to find the theological introspection helping them, so that it would be essential to have research activities in the area of ‘diaconia theology’.BR The theology-policy-service should be set up in the relation of mutual cooperation/support. None of them should interfere in other areas or violate the inherent position by taking the dominant position. Thus, each area should fully handle its own roles and function within the inherent area of activity, and also contribute to the social consensus and healthy/mature society based on its accumulated professionalism.BR With such understanding and mission, churches should fulfill their responsibility for diaconia. Churches should be able to pay attention to care services for children with disabilities. Here, churches work as an organization that practices the gospel, settled down as diverse forms in society after exceeding the primary meaning. Therefore, instead of activities led by churches as a minister or building, the study covers all the institutions operated by leadership with Christianity.BR The study on children with disabilities exposed to vulnerable social conditions of Korea, has focused on the change of social perception, and also put emphasis on the social development through the improvement of system and cooperation between private and public institutions. It is based on the cognitive approach that every mankind is proper for salvation as people of the kingdom of God, regardless of the matter of disabilities as the practice of neighborly love is the confession of saved faith.

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