
The article considers the mechanisms of assimilation of new knowledge in science - scientific communication (in particular, scientific discussion), justification, understanding. Scientific communication gives the results of individual cognitive acts a universal and necessary character. In scientific discussions, arguments are accumu-lated for the scientific community to choose more promising knowledge, and prerequisites for the recognition of new knowledge are formalized. Justification acts as a mechanism for giving knowledge an intersubjective character. As a result of establishing the conformity of new knowledge to those elements of science, the truth of which has already been proved, and checking the new knowledge for compliance with the criteria of truth and methodological regulators, the characteristics of the foundation – the truth and effectiveness of established knowledge, the characteristics of scientificity – are transferred to the new, justifiable knowledge. nderstanding is the mechanism of assimilation, which ensures the harmonization, conformity of new and old knowledge. Representation of the meaning of knowledge objects in content coincides with its introduction into already exist-ing more general scientific systems, for example, in a discipline, branch of knowledge, which ensures the har-monization of new and old knowledge.

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