
The article is devoted to the problem of ideological justification of the educational process. The implementation of the social function of transferring knowledge and cultural experience from generation to generation is impossible without relying on the reproduction of the connection of human life and society with absolute values. In this sense, the image of a "priest standing behind the teacher" is introduced and used. The Russian cultural tradition demonstrates several historically determined ways of ideological substantiation of pedagogy. European education develops as a continuation of the ancient tradition, and in Russia, thanks to Church Slavonic writing, the biblical tradition has become the paradigm of culture. Despite the external succession from Byzantium, Russia remained outside the influence of the ancient spirit. This internal factor, combined with the Mongol invasion and the subsequent two-hundred-year period of cultural decline, led to the fact that the emerging domestic tradition of education borrowed its forms from Europe. This resulted in various crisis phenomena in Russian history up to the revolution of the early 20th century and the collapse of the Soviet system at the end of it. Today, we can state the need for a conscious rejection of the Western worldview paradigm in favor of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, which presuppose the priority of the spiritual over the material. The absolute and universal nature of the fundamental values of culture is of fundamental importance for the education system.

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