
The application of communications in business is studied. The important role of communications in the functioning and obtaining certain achievements for an organization / business in the market is noted. Considered one of the subspecies of communications - business communications, their features such as regulation and determinism. Another important characteristic of business communication is the obligatory indication of the status of an employee, which allows building relationships both “boss-subordinate” in one structure, and “boss-boss” for different organizations. It is noted that although the obvious impact of business communications cannot be fully traced, however, they indirectly affect the success and profitability of the economic activity of the organization. Pointed out the losses incurred by organizations that do not work on successful business communications. It is noted that communication is an important component of corporate culture. The classification of business communications is presented according to various criteria - the environment in which information exchange is carried out, according to the method of information transfer, according to the location of communicators in space. It is noted that the imperfection of business communication, including internal communication, often leads companies to significant losses, therefore, attention should be paid to building both matrix (“boss-subordinate”, “department-department”) links within the companies themselves, and external relations. The characteristic of various forms of business communications is given, attention is paid to modern ways of organizing business communications. Emphasis is placed on the importance of choosing the right form of business communication in order to achieve a positive result. It is noted that each of the forms of business communication has its own set of advantages and disadvantages and features, which are extremely important to take into account when organizing them. The features of conducting business communications in the era of a pandemic are noted. Thus, the challenges of the pandemic have led to an increase in the role of those forms of business communication that can be carried out remotely, using modern telecommunications and computer technologies, although these communications also have a number of shortcomings that should be taken into account.

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