
The article presents the results of generalizing the factual material on the diversity of hydromacrophytes from the divisions Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta and Magnoliophyta in the territory of the Omsk region. For each species the geographical frequency of occurrence in natural zones, the group of halobility and trophicity are indicated. For the region 176 species of higher hydromacrophytes have been identified. The division Magnoliophyta is distinguished by the greatest species diversity, which includes 116 species (65.9% of all higher hydromacrophytes), the division Bryophyta accounts for 49 species (27.9%), Marchantiophyta – 7 (4.0%), the divisions Equisetophyta and Polypodiophyta include only 2 species each (1.1%). Currently in the region 24 species of higher hydromacrophytes are included in the number of protected species with an established category of protection or as species that need special attention to their state and natural environment. In total, the following moss species are known from several habitats: Riccia fluitans, R. frostii, R. rhenana, Ricciocarpos natans, Fissidens adianthoides, Paludella squarrosa and vascular plants: Ceratophyllum platyacanthum subsp. oryzetorum, Elatine hydropiper, Veronica beccabunga, Najas marina, Sagittaria trifolia, Potamogeton rutilus, including brackish Ruppia maritima, Althenia orientalis, Zannichellia palustris var. repens.

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