
The article presents the results of a study on the importance of increasing the level of employee loyalty to the company and its evaluation. The influence of loyal employees on the development of the organization is briefly presented, in particular, it is emphasized that loyal employees who give positive feedback about their work in the organization, thereby ensure increasing labour productivity, improving the company’s image, expand the client base, improving financial results, etc. The essence of the indicator of pure loyalty of employees, namely eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score), the main purpose of which is to determine the level of employee engagement or satisfaction. Today, it is actively used by Apple, Sony, Philips, Procter&Gamble, American Express, Microsoft, and other international companies. The eNPS calculation method is simple, effective, and does not require any costs, as it is carried out with the help of an online survey, asking employees only one key question “how likely are you to recommend X company as a “workplace” to your friends and acquaintances?”, and three supporting. At the same time, three groups of employees are distinguished: promoters, passive and dissatisfied, based on their share in percentage terms, not only the level of staff loyalty is determined, but also further methods of working with each of the groups are formed to improve the situation in the team, at the workplace, in the field of professional growth employee competencies, etc. For a visual representation of the eNPS calculation, a survey of employees of the domestic SPETSODIAH LLC was conducted to determine the level of their loyalty to the company. Studies have shown that the eNPS for the organization is 62 %, i. e., the level of employee loyalty is higher than the normative value, which indicates a high level of satisfaction with job, a positive attitude towards the organization, and a willingness to recommend SPETSODIAH LLC to their friends as a potential place of work. The key principle of conducting a survey to determine the level of staff loyalty is regularity, time frame and validity of the survey, anonymity, openness, and implementation of changes.

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