
Modern approaches in the provision of medical services, the need to comply with the procedures and standards of medical care imply the use of effective methods of managing the resources of the medical organization. It is these requirements that make it imperative to use automation systems in the work of medical organizations. In this study we proposed the experience of integrated use of information technologies in the activities of a medical organization and the assessment of obtained medical and socio-economic effects. Materials and methods.We used economic methods of evaluating the use of medical information systems in the medical organization. Results. The evaluation of the use of medical information systems in the medical organization showed medical and socio-economic effects in the form of an opportunity for employees to make optimal use of working hours, using unified directories developed by templates, automatically filling in model medical protocols; obtain statistical information on the number of provided services; a comprehensive approach to the write-off of consumable medical supplies; create standard documents with minimal time; prepare statements, conclusions, form a record in the outpatient card and, if necessary, an electronic prescription in the pharmacy. The duration of the doctor's appointment decreased by 50 % (from 30 minutes to 15-20 minutes), which made it possible to increase the number of served patients. Conclusion. The use of medical information systems ensures the medical organization and application of patients with the necessary social (in the form of ensuring the accessibility of medical services to more patients), medical (achieving high efficiency of medical services) and economic (cost reduction) effects.

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