
Suicide can be defined as any act by a person of terminating his or her life through his or her own act with a clear intent of ending the life. Suicide is recognized as a serious social problem, but it has not been successfully prevented for a long time. Suicide prevention has not been successful not only because the causes of suicide are complex and complicated, but also because the prevention system has not been well administered.
 Suicides can be classified into suicides from social, economic and environmental causes; social disconnection and maladjustment; mental and psychological causes; irreversible health deterioration; and from various interacting causes.
 In order to effectively control these problems of suicides, it is necessary to establish a control system of suicide prevention at the national level, improve relevant laws, install a police-centered public-private partnership suicide prevention system, and organize and use treatment and response manuals for each type of suicide.
 The most important measures would be to change public awareness and form a consensus on the environment which prompts suicide. Along with the nationwide expansion of suicide prevention education, it is also essential to remedy a social environment which creates a demand for suicides. Such remedy is needed because it is difficult to achieve an intended effect just by controlling suppliers when there are many people with demand. Therefore, the basic policy of suicide prevention should be to create a social environment which can control the demand for suicides, too.

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