
Care and nursing are considered important achievements of civilizational social development. The central place of concern in the smooth functioning of society is indisputable. The topical issues of the development of the economy of care as a sphere of the economy that is responsible for providing the necessary social services and assistance in the process of population reproduction are studied. The essence of the formation of formal and informal care practices, their relevance during the Kovid-19 pandemic is determined. The directions of theoretical researches of care economy are substantiated. Characteristic features of the sphere of care in Ukraine and the world are revealed. It is stated that most of the care work continues to be provided free of charge to family and friends, at home and in the community. In a post-industrial society, the social service delivery system has been affected by the global care economy, acquiring the characteristics of a “structured care industry”. However, care work continues to be “blackened” (often passed on to marginalized groups, women, precariats, temporary migrant workers, etc.). Care work, both paid and unpaid, contributes to well-being, social development and economic growth. Unfortunately, the costs of assistance are uneven among social groups. The care economy, however, is not confined to families and communities; it encompasses many private and public enterprises that provide health, education and social services. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of the care sector for both human health and strengthening national economies by highlighting aspects of interdisciplinary participation in the joint care of practitioners, social workers, clients / patients and their relatives. Aspects of interdisciplinary participation in the joint care of practitioners, social workers, clients/patients and their relatives are disclosed. The experience of the countries of the world in the institutionalization of informal care is summarized. Emphasizes the importance of evaluating policies to protect unpaid family caregivers and the country's overall role in protecting paid social workers, including paraprofessionals.

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