
The article is devoted to the formation of the future journalist's regional identity at the university as a resource not only for preserving the culture of the region, but also for the development of its economy. Noting the need to retain university graduates in the regions, the author of the article emphasizes the particular importance of the problem in relation to graduates of media specialties. It is journalists and bloggers who today, more than ever before, influence society and shape the mindset in the context of mediatization of all spheres of life. Using the data of the expert survey of leading teachers in Russia (10 universities) in the field of journalism, the author of the article shows how, when taking into account new media trends, not only in the country, but also in the world, to form the regional identity of university students. In addition, the author of the article summarizes his own observations of university youth studying journalism and the methodological experience of heading the department of journalism at a regional university. The article emphasizes that the regional identity of journalists can be one of the most important factors in preventing the destabilizing role of various social and political processes, and in this context, effective strategies for creating it in a university are highlighted. At the same time, the training of a journalist is understood not only as a process of obtaining professional competencies, but also as a process of personal development of a person with the help and on the basis of regional culture, traditions and practices of commemoration. The author proposes the following as ways of forming regional identity among future journalists: broadcasting «success stories» of media persons in the region; the presence in the curriculum of bachelor's and master's degree programs of media specialties of special disciplines with the context of regional culture; project activities of students commissioned by regional authorities and business; obligatory regional component when writing research papers by students.

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