
Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky (1804-1869) was a man of truly encyclopedic knowledge and interests: writer (author of the first philosophical story in Russia and SF), philosopher, scientist, educator, popularizer of science, inventor, music theorist, researcher of Old Russian song art, founder of professional musicology in Russia, pianist, composer. This article deals only with his musical and aesthetic activities. Odoevsky was a Schellingian philosopher and fully shared the concept of art of the early German romanticists, in unison with whom he opposed the dogmas of rationalist classicist aesthetics. He is characterized by the romantic affirmation of music as the highest science and highest art. Odoevsky made a huge contribution to the formation of the Russian musical school. Paying special attention to specific forms of nationality in a musical composition, he constantly emphasizes that the composer's borrowing of folklore material without vivid melodic images only leads to a handicraft «cobble together» the rented material. The music critic does not miss a single attack by semi-literate scribblers directed against Glinka, Dargomyzhsky and other representatives of the Russian music school; he is engaged in musical enlightenment of the public. At the end of his life, Odoevsky wrote with hope: «The thought that I have sown today will rise tomorrow, in a year, in a thousand years…».

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