
The article discusses the process of researching the ancient Uighur dialects. Although studies of the ancient Turkic languages have been developed in Kazakh science, it can be said that the study of the ancient Uyghur language, a branch and a large branch of these ancient Turkic languages (a large branch, according to foreign scientists, means the ancient Uyghur language - the language of the third Turkic Khaganate), was left without attention. To fill this gap, we reviewed the progress of the study of syllogisms using the works of prominent scientists who studied the ancient Uyghur language. Adverbs play an important role in connecting words in a sentence. In general, our goal, when we write about declensions, is to once again make sure that there is no big difference between the declensions of the Old Turkic language, including the Old Uyghur, and the declensions of modern Turkic languages, and analyze some of them. their features. In the article, we focused on the research of foreign and domestic correspondent scientists on adverbs and tried to compare them. We studied the statements of scientists about adverbs by methods of analysis, comparison and discussion.

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