
The concept of «rhetorical competence of a philologist» is analyzed in the article. It is determined that the rhetorical training of students is a necessary component of the formation and development of the personality of the future specialist. However, for a future philologist this competence is professionally necessary. Based on the research of scholars on rhetorical competence, this concept is interpreted as a set of practical skills of a student of philology, who has learned the necessary block of theoretical knowledge and realizes it in reality, it allows him to successfully and effectively interact with other subjects. It is noted that a high level of rhetorical competence allows to achieve professional and life success, it is an indicator of intellectual development. The article emphasizes that rhetoric is not an independent subject in all universities, it is necessary to use elements of rhetoric in classes in higher education. Exercises and tasks that contribute to the formation of rhetorical competence are highlighted. It is noted that training exercises have a practical orientation and are intended to activate mental processes (memory, thinking, imagination, etc.), to improve speech and communication skills. Preparatory exercises help to reduce stress and overcome psychological barriers, distract and help to relax during the learning process. Analytical exercises help to train students ability to work with text, develop memory, analyze stylistic devices, structure information, etc. Creative (with the creation of own texts) and constructive (reconstruction of sentences, texts, etc.) exercises are productive in the training of philologist. Particular attention should be paid to the use of non-verbal means by students, including facial expressions, gestures. Equally important is the construction of dialogues, questions, the use of communicative exercises, games and situational tasks, because such tasks motivate students, arouse interest in learning, allow them to practice speech. The article emphasizes that working in groups, in pairs develops the ability of constructive dialogue, listen and hear the interlocutor, understand the position of the interlocutor, the ability to use verbal and nonverbal means, to overcome certain closeness in communication. Practical classes in the form of discussion, such as talk shows are important for the formation of rhetorical competence of future philologists. The authors summarize that rhetorical competence will make possible a high level of further professional self-education, will promote the realization of professional knowledge in productive and civilized ways of thinking and speaking.

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