
According to the open access data of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr), as of January 1, 2020, the area of the land fund in the administrative units of the Russian Federation amounted to 1,712,519.1 thousand hectares (directly in the Saratov region - 10,124.0 thousand hectares) , in the structure of which agricultural land occupies 22.29% and 85.43%, respectively. In the composition of agricultural lands of the region, agricultural lands are dominated by processing and cultivation of crops, with an area in the structure of 95.6%. These analytical data alone allow us to call the Saratov region a dynamically developing agrarian region. However, due to its location, arid climatic zone, it is this aggressive factor that determines the specifics of agricultural production, when the priority direction for the development of the agro-industrial complex is the improvement of the reclamation complex in terms of the effective use of existing irrigation systems. Here we should not forget about the high technogenic load of the reclamation complex, which leads to degradation and loss of soil fertility. Within the framework of this study, methodological and methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the directions for the development of the reclamation complex in terms of the effective use of existing irrigation systems, taking into account the provisions of rational nature management, are analyzed.

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