
The features of forestry of the landowners of the Tambov Governorate at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries are analyzed. The key factors of natural (forest cover of the area), economic (first of all, the construction of railways, changes in demand for timber) and social (the need to protect plantations from the surrounding peasant population) character that influenced forestry are shown. The main ways of development are indicated, due to both economic opportunities and the desire (or unwillingness) of landowners to equip their forest lands. The methods of forestry in the northern, central and southern districts of the Tambov Governorate are analyzed, the different degree of forest cover of which was reflected in the value of forest materials for local residents. Methods of combining forestry with other types of management, in particular, grazing, which were practiced mainly in the northern districts of the Tambov Governorate, where there was an excess of forest resources, are described. The reasons for the clear-cutting of forests practiced by a number of owners, which led to serious environmental changes, are indicated. The characteristics of various types of rational nature management in forestry are given on the materials of individual estates, to which more and more landowners have turned. We describe the reasons for the development of a thrifty attitude to forest resources.

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