
Purpose. To analyze the prospects of the introduction of remote work of academic employees into the typical employment zone. Methodology: the comparative law method will become the basic method of the presented research; it is planned to perform a comparative analysis carried out within the framework of an inter-disciplinary approach (comparison of the legal doctrine with related branches of knowledge such as sociology, economics, etc.), an inter-branch approach (a comparative analysis of approaches used in the general law theory), a trans-border approach (comparison of various national legal systems) and a chronological approach (a historical comparative analysis). Conclusions. Following the results of the research, the author has come to the following significant conclusions: 1. Remote work is a vivid manifestation of the statutory regulation with application of digital technologies. 2. Labor codes and labor laws of various countries appeared in the industrial epoch of the XX century are at the very beginning of the road towards the resolution of this problem. 3. Remote work of academic employees is more of an exception than a rule at the current stage of the development of the legal world map. 4. However, the general evolution of public relations has sped up so much in the qualitative as well as the quantitative aspect, that in the future conventional forms of classes with students may be changed, if not fully cancelled, in favor of greater digitization in its various manifestations. Scientific and practical significance. Conclusions provided in the article are of practical relevance for the development of comparative law, branch law and general theoretical legal disciplines of different countries of the world.

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