
Purpose. The purpose of the research involves the optimization of modern methods of teaching the agriculturalhistory of Ukraine (in the late 18th – early 19th century) in the ninth grade of the institutions of general secondary education.Scientific novelty. The author proposes and substantiates the working hypothesis that relatively more filling of educationalprograms with agrarian topics (content), in particular in relation to the end of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries,is demanded by science and social needs. Concretely, this expediency is motivated by at least several factors. First of all, theoriginality of the history of Ukraine precisely in the context of the dominance of the agrarian (agricultural) way of life of themajority of the population in it, as well as a rather long period of preservation of the foundations of traditional society in theconditions of its «too slow» modernization (primarily in the mental aspect). Secondly, the challenges facing the Ukrainianpublic in understanding its future historical «depeasantization». Thirdly, the relevance of the research tasks of the «peasantnation» problem, as it is formulated by modern European historiography.Conclusion. The teaching of various aspects of the agrarian history of Ukraine at the end of the late 18th – early 19th centuryin general secondary education institutions was analyzed. The author substantiates the position on preserving the relevanceand significance of teaching the agricultural past at the stage of transition of secondary schools to the New Ukrainian School,based on current legislation, guided by their own long-term professional practice and, moreover, generalized experience offellow teachers. The general result of the study is that in recent decades, interest in the agricultural history of Ukraine hasdeclined markedly, which is not entirely justified, especially given the didactic and educational challenges facing Ukrainiansociety today.The author proposes and substantiates the hypothesis that the state of historical science and modern Ukrainian society is indemand for a «return» to a greater «replenishment» of the curriculum of general secondary education institutions, in particularthe end of the late 18th – early 19th century. This expediency is motivated by several factors. First, the originality of the historyof Ukraine, precisely in the context of the dominance of the agrarian (agricultural) way of life of the majority of the population,a long period of preserving the foundations of traditional society in its «too slow» modernization (especially in the mentalaspect). Secondly, the challenges facing the Ukrainian public in understanding its future historical «resettlement». Third, therelevance of the study of the problem of «peasant nation», as it was formulated in modern European historiography. The authorsees further prospects for methodological improvement in the idea of students acquiring the necessary competencies based onthe creation of interdisciplinary knowledge.The proposed theoretical and practical perspectives of the study give reason to believe that teaching the history of Ukrainein general secondary education, especially in the context of its agricultural component, needs significant correction. The authorconsiders it expedient to significantly transform the content of this discipline, paying attention to the new methodologicalsupport of this process.

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