
Fractions of non-specific esterase were studied in homogenates ofVicia faba L. root tips using disc electrophoresis in acrylamide gel. With α-naphthyl acetate, 7 bands were revealed in electrophoreograms, whereas only 5 bands appeared with naphthol AS acetate; the position of bands detected with naphthol AS acetate corresponds to 5 of 7 bands which appear when using α-naphthyl acetate. If incubated with α-naphthyl acetate, 1 band is totally blocked by the inhibitor E 600, whereas the other bands are weakened slightly and—more or less— proportionally, similarly, as if incubated with naphthol AS acetate. No bands appear after detection with α-naphthyl caprylate and with α-naphthyl myristate. Electrophoreograms developed with α-naphthyl propionate differ both from those treated with α-naphthyl acetate and from those treated with α-naphthyl butyrate. Remarkable, but only quantitative differences were revealed when comparing electrophoreograms from division, enlargement and maturation zones, detected with either α-naphthyl acetate, or α-naphthyl propionate. The non-specific esterase fractions revealed by disc electrophoresis are correlated with protein fractions distinguished in the same material by the same technique using xylene brilliant cyanine G staining and with fractions of the same enzyme found in sections of the same object treated histochemically.

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