
The full-scale deployment of the Starlink global satellite system has opened up wide opportunities for high-speed wireless access to Internet information resources throughout the Earth. In such conditions, the problem of user control over the provided traffic arises. This is due to the fact that the organizational and technical parameters of the Starlink system were initially chosen with the condition of minimizing mutual interference to subscribers located in limited areas. On the one hand, such a system opens up the prospect of access to the global network for subscribers located in remote, industrially unequipped areas of the globe, and on the other hand, the possibility of organizing communications for illegitimate users and the right of criminal organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how accessible the communication channels organized by the Starlink system are for monitoring. Taking into account these circumstances, the purpose of the study, the materials of which are presented in this article, was to assess the probability of electromagnetic availability of subscribers of the Starlink global satellite system. Based on the analysis of the operational and technical characteristics of the Starlink system in available sources, the features of its construction were considered and the initial data were determined for the development of a method for the electromagnetic availability of radio emission sources operating in the Ku / K-frequency bands. The methodology is based on calculations of the provided excess of signal power over noise power at the input of the radio receiver, which ensures the required quality and reliability of reception. The stages of the methodology are substantiated, the analytical apparatus is modified, taking into account the conditions of monitoring. The results of calculating the electromagnetic availability of radio emission sources of the Starlink global satellite system for the most difficult case, when the subscriber terminal is located at the nadir of the spacecraft coverage area and at the same time in the center of the beam formed on the subscriber, are presented. Probabilistic estimates are obtained and proposals and recommendations are formulated to improve the reliability and quality of the ongoing monitoring. Conclusions and proposals for the practical implementation of the results obtained are formulated.

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