
Relevance: The Cloudberry squat (Rubus chamaemorus) is a perennial low herbaceous plant growing in the northern and Arctic regions of the European part, in Siberia and the Far East. The plant raw materials of Rubus chamaemorus are actively used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. For medicinal purposes, not only fruits are used, but also other parts of the plant – leaves, rhizome and sepals. Biologically active substances defined in this medicinal plant are diverse. Among them, flavonoids and their derivatives are of considerable interest for pharmacy, since they have versatile medicinal effects: hypotensive, antiatherogenic, antidiabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects. The purpose of the study is to establish the presence of flavonoids and their quantitative determination in the leaves of Cloudberry squat, growing in the Vologda region for the possible determination of the raw materials of this plant as medicinal. Materials and methods: the presence and quantitative content of flavonoids in the raw materials of cloudberry squat (leaves) growing on the territory of the Vologda region was determined using the spectrophotometric method of chemical analysis. Results of the study: qualitative samples (cyanidin, reaction with a solution of basic lead acetate) confirmed the presence of flavonoids in the roots of the studied plant; the content of flavonoids relative to the total dry mass of raw materials was quantified, it was 0.63 ± 0.013% (95% confidence interval = 0.6199-0.6401). The results obtained are consistent with the data of other researchers, the average relative proportion of flavonoids in relation to the total mass of the dry plant corresponds to the average scientific results. The conclusion is made about the possibility of attributing Rubus chamaemorus, which grows in the Vologda region, to medicinal plants potentially recommended for use in the pharmaceutical industry.

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