
The article is dedicated to the comparison of the metaphorical meanings of the lexemes ‘булка’ and ‘Brötchen’ in the German and Russian languages. In contemporary linguistic-cultural studies, comparisons of concepts and the creation of bilingual linguistic-cultural dictionaries play a special role, with key concepts of conceptualization and categorization. The research aim was to develop the structure of a dictionary entry in a bilingual figurative type dictionary, providing a clear representation of the similarities and differences in the directions of metaphoricalization. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the commonly accepted classification of lexical units based on their lexical and grammatical features was not used in developing the structure. A semantic feature was chosen as the category, allowing for the construction and tracing of semantic relationships with units of different groups, including lexemes of higher levels of abstraction, facilitating the search for figurative equivalents based on a given parameter. The research results expand the understanding of the concepts ХЛЕБ/BROT, whose distinctive features are still insufficiently studied. The developed rubricator can be applied in creating a specialized electronic dictionary.

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