
Tris (3-fluorophenyl)antimony chloro(pentachlorophenoxide) ( 1 ) has been synthesized by the interaction of tris (3-fluorophenyl)antimony dichloride with tris (3-fluorophenyl)antimony bis (2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorophenoxide) (1:1 mol.) in benzene. The compound has been identified by IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. The absorption band of the stretching vibrations of the SbC 3 fragment at 432 cm –1 is observed in the IR spectrum of compound 1 . There is also an intensive absorption band at 1267 cm -1 , which characterizes stretching vibrations of the C-O bond. According to the X-ray diffraction analysis the coordination of the antimony atom is trigonal-bipyramidal with the chlorine and oxygen atoms in the axial positions [C 24 H 12 OCl 6 SbF 3 , M = 707.79; the triclinic system, space group P ; a 9.486(6), b 11.548(7); c 12.382(11) Å; α 73.61(2), β 87.03(3), γ 84.221(19) degrees; V 1294.2(17) Å 3 ; Z 2; µ 1.724 mm –1 ; F(000) 668.0; crystal size 0.26´0.22´0.11 mm; 2θ for data collection 5.7–62.22 degrees; index ranges −13 ≤ h ≤ 13, −16 ≤ k ≤ 16, −17 ≤ l ≤ 17; total reflections 79173; independent reflections 8254; R int 0.0560; variables 317, GOOF 1.021; R 1 = 0.0482; wR 2 = 0.1167; residual electron density 1.91/–0.56 e/Å 3 ]. The OSbCl axial angle in the molecule of compound 1 is 179.14(8)°. The sum of the CSbC angles in the equatorial plane is 360°, while the values of the individual angles vary in the interval 113.49 (15)°–126.16 (15)°. The Sb–O axial bond length is shorter than the Sb–C equatorial bond lengths and equals 2.092 (3) Å. This pattern is characteristic of most triaryl­antimony diaroxides. The formation of the compound 1 crystal structure is due to the formation of weak intermolecular contacts C–H×××Cl 2.89 Å and F×××Cl 3.08, 3.11 Å. Complete tables of coordinates of atoms, bond lengths and valence angles are deposited at the Cambridge Structural Data Bank (No. 1849662; deposit@ccdc.cam.ac.uk; http://www.ccdc. cam.ac.uk).


  • Взаимодействием дихлорида трис(3-фторфенил)сурьмы с бис(2,3,4,5,6пентахлорфеноксидом) трис(3-фторфенил)сурьмы (1:1 мольн.) в бензоле синтезирован хлоро(пентахлорфеноксид) трис(3-фторофенил)сурьмы (1)

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  • According to the X-ray diffraction analysis the coordination of the antimony atom is trigonal-bipyramidal with the chlorine and oxygen atoms in the axial positions [C24H12OCl6SbF3, M = 707.79; the triclinic system, space group P 1 ; a 9.486(6), b 11.548(7); c 12.382(11) Å; α 73.61(2), β 87.03(3), γ 84.221(19) degrees; V 1294.2(17) Å3; Z 2; μ 1.724 mm–1; F(000) 668.0; crystal size 0.26 0.22 0.11 mm; 2θ for data collection 5.7–62.22 degrees; index ranges −13 ≤ h ≤ 13, −16 ≤ k ≤ 16, −17 ≤ l ≤ 17; total reflections 79173; independent reflections 8254; Rint 0.0560; variables 317, GOOF 1.021; R1 = 0.0482; wR2 = 0.1167; residual electron density 1.91/–0.56 e/Å3]

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Взаимодействием дихлорида трис(3-фторфенил)сурьмы с бис(2,3,4,5,6пентахлорфеноксидом) трис(3-фторфенил)сурьмы (1:1 мольн.) в бензоле синтезирован хлоро(пентахлорфеноксид) трис(3-фторофенил)сурьмы (1). Длина аксиальной связи Sb–O короче длин экваториальных связей Sb–C и составляет 2,092(3) Å. Длин связей и валентных углов депонированы в Кембриджском банке структурных данных

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