
An analysis of the results of the work of selection and genetic centers (SGC) of the Russian Federation is presented. The highest status of a tribal organization, which has high requirements, is possessed by the SGC. In Russia, 12 SGC operate, which is 68% of the number of all breeding plants. In the SGC, breeds such as Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Yorkshire, from 2020 and Pietren are breed mainly. At the beginning of 2021, 1364 main and inspected cartilage manufacturers and 67,122 thousand main and inspected sows were tested in the SGC. The reproducing abilities of the main sows in the SGC are characterized by the following multiplicity indicators: Large White breed – 15.1 heads, Landrace – 14.4 heads, Duroc – 9.8 heads, Yorkshire – 14.8 heads. An assessment of the repair young by their own productivity was analyzed. The sale of tribal young in the SGC in 2020 amounted to 121.3 thousand heads. All this may lead to a shortage of breeding animals in the near future. At the stage of the formation of competitive domestic pig-breeding, special attention should be paid to the strategy for the development of domestic breeding and genetic centers, which will become the basis for the implementation of hybridization programs and the organization of pig-breeding on a qualitatively new genetic basis.

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