
Objective : The purpose of this study is to establish strategies to prevent patient safety accidents by identifying factors related to patient safety accidents in domestic medical institutions, and to use them as basic data for developing patient safety prevention programs. Methods : This study is a secondary data analysis study using the raw data of the "2019-2022 Patient Safety Report Data" published by the Medical Institution Evaluation and Certification Institute of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS 23.0 program. Results : Depending on the degree of risk, risk events, proximity errors, and red signal events appeared in order, and in terms of gender, women had a relatively higher percentage of red signal events and red signal events for proximity errors than men. Factors affecting the degree of risk of patient safety accidents are gender, age, accident time, reporter, medical institution classification, bed size, accident location, and type of accident. Conclusion : Medical institutions in Korea need to develop standardized patient safety guidelines to prevent patient safety accidents according to bed size and age, and to strengthen patient safety education and patient safety capabilities. In addition, the elderly mainly report patient safety accidents due to falls, so nursing education and facilities are needed to reduce falls.

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