
The article analyses the reaction of Orthodox churches and churches of the Anglican Commonwealth, as well as secular society to the election of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) as Patriarch of Moscow. This event was the first vivid fact of changing the course of the religious policy of Soviet power and caused a certain resonance in the world community, both religious and secular. The study of the spectrum of points of view about the mentioned local fact in their systematic presentation will allow to establish general trends of contemporaries in their attitude to the election of a new Moscow Patriarch in 1943. The dramatic circumstances preceding the patriarchal election of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) did not prevent the world community, primarily religious, from receiving him as the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church. This event was the initial step in the general process of renewal of state and religious relations in the USSR and the use of church resources in the international interests of Soviet power. The foreign policy effect of the election of Patriarch Sergius was significant and perceived as a certain indicator of religious freedom in the USSR, and therefore influenced the position of the Allies preparing to meet in Tehran to discuss the opening of the Second Front.

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