
This study examines Japanese articles in The Chōsen Sinpō, the first modern newspaper published in the Japanese residential district situated in the open port of Busan. The articles published in the newspaper were written in both Chinese characters and Japanese based on the nature of the articles and target readers. While Chinese characters were mainly used for articles in the op􋹲ed section whose target readers were government officials and intellectuals, Japanese was mostly used in the sections presenting miscellaneous news and local business trends. The articles written in Chinese characters were mostly macroscopic discourses on topics such as politics, economy, social issues, ideology, and international trends that Japan had experienced through its modernization or was facing at the time, pointing to the future struggles Joseon could expect to encounter during its own modernization. On the other hand, the articles written in Japanese covered various topics as per the sections they were in, such as Japanese population trends, the code of conduct for Japanese expatriates, the business trends at the ports of Busan and Wonsan, as well as politics (politicians), culture of Joseon, gossips, and violent altercations between Koreans and Japanese. In this study, with a focus on Joseon􋹲related news, the news articles are categorized into: gossip content and articles covering politics, economy, and social issues. This paper examines the circumstances Joseon was in prior to the Imo Munity in July of 1882, especially as an imagined geographic entity through the filtered and censored view of Japanese editors.

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