
The purpose of the study was the analysis of the growth dynamics of power indicators of athletes-bodybuilders at the stage of specialized basic training. Materials and methods. The study was conducted from March to the end of June (4 months) 2021. It involved 60 athletes aged from 18 to 19 years. Three research groups were formed, 20 athletes in each. These groups of athletes were divided by the usual sample method and by age. Qualification and anthropometric characteristics did not differ significantly. The only difference was in the proposed training programs. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature was carried out. Test control method for determining the maximum muscle strength of athletes to assess the initial level of muscle strength development in the surveyed contingent and determine the characteristics of its dynamics, was used. The obtained data were used to calculate the indicators of the value of the training load of athletes. In addition, method for quantitative assessment of athletes' physical load was used. The mathematical processing of research results was carried out using the software packages IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Results and discussion. The research results indicate that the values of the training loads indicators of bodybuilders and the nature of their changes in conditions of the same level of athletes' fitness and the structure of the training session depend on the characteristics of the selected training means (training programs). The analysis of the results obtained shows that under the conditions of the second variant of the training program, the indicators of the working mass of the athletes' equipment change more significantly during the entire research period. A similar tendency is observed when monitoring the load volume indicators, despite the fact that the most significant increase in this indicator among bodybuilders when performing formative exercises was obtained under the conditions of using the third variant of the training program, using the “premature fatigue” method. Conclusion. The growth rates of the strength capabilities of the main muscle groups turned out to be the highest among bodybuilders of the second main group due to the long-term use of the “premature fatigue” method. When performing exercises of a formative nature, the growth rate of strength capabilities was 30.9% (p <0.05), while when performing exercises of a basic nature, such an increase was three times less (by 10.5%, p <0.05)


  • The research results indicate that the values of the training loads indicators

  • the structure of the training session depend on the characteristics of the selected training means

  • most significant increase in this indicator among bodybuilders when performing formative exercises was obtained under the conditions of using the third variant

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Аналіз динаміки приросту силових показників спортсменів бодібілдерів на етапі спеціалізованої базової підготовці. Результати досліджень вказують на те, що величини показників тренувальних навантажень бодібілдерів, характер їх змін, в умовах однакового рівня підготовленості спортсменів та структури тренувального заняття, залежать від особливостей підібраних засобів підготовки (тренувальних програм). Подібна тенденція спостерігається під час контролю показників обсягу навантаження, незважаючи на те, що найбільш суттєве зростання цього показника у бодібілдерів під час виконання вправ формуючого характеру було отримано в умовах застосування варіанту програми тренувань із використанням методичного прийому «передчасна втома».

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