
The formation of the stomach and its functional maturation occupy a significant period of ontogenesis, in which the process of complex interaction of the structural elements of the primary intestine takes place. For periand neonatologists, ultrasound diagnostics doctors, 16-22 weeks of pregnancy are especially important. There is no information on the topography of the human fetal stomach in the scientific literature. During the study, new information was obtained on the topography of parts of the stomach at 16-22 weeks of ontogenesis. The features of the syntopy of parts of the stomach include unexpressed contact with the diaphragm, almost complete closure of the anterior wall by the lobes of the liver, contact of small curvature with the caudate lobe of the liver, lack of contact with the left kidney, tight coupling with the left adrenal gland. The hepatic-duodenal, hepatic-gastric, gastro-diaphragmatic and gastro-splenic ligaments are quite well differentiated. The forming pre-pancreatic and omentum bags are determined, which at this stage of ontogenesis are slit gaps, practically devoid of air spaces. However, the shape and position of the pre-ventricular sac at 16-22 weeks of intrauterine development do not coincide with the boundaries of that of an adult. During the study period, the levels of the esophagus-stomach transition were also determined in the fetus, protectively located in the Th IX body area, at the height of the Th VIII rib, along the left circumflex line. The stomach of the fetus at 16-17 weeks of development is located at the level of Th VII (lower edge) by Th XI (lower edge), by 22 weeks the stomach drops to the level of Th VIII by L I (upper edge). A feature of skeletotopy of the stomach is a more stable location at the specified time of human ontogenesis, where the bottom of the stomach is determined in the projection Th VIII , the cardiac part at the level of Th VIII -Th IX , the body of the stomach -Th X-XI and the pyloric part at the height of Th XI-XII . The pre-pancreatic and omentum bags at week 16-22 of ontogenesis are slit-like gaps. Horizontal and sagittal cuts allow us to determine the characteristic features of syntopia and skeletotopia of the stomach. The data obtained supplement the available information on the age-related anatomy of the stomach of newborns, children, and adults, and are also of interest to anatomists, topographers, neonatologists, ultrasound diagnostics doctors, pediatricians and fetal surgeons.

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