
The article is devoted to the problem of environmental education in non-formal education in the Scandinavian countries.The main purpose of the article is to analyze the organizational and methodological features of environmental education in non-formal education in the Scandinavian countries and, based on a comparative analysis, to develop recommendations regarding the possibility of introducing certain progressive elements of foreign experience into extra-curricular education in Ukraine.It was found that the Scandinavian countries have gained significant experience in the field of education over the years of their development. Today, they have one of the most advanced education systems in the world, particularly in the field of non-formal environmental education. This fact is evidenced by regulatory and legal documents on environmental education.The experience of the Scandinavian countries proves that these countries have many common and distinctive points in the environmental education of students. It was found that the Scandinavian countries have gained significant experience in the field of education over the years of their development. Nowadays, they have one of the most advanced education systems in the world, particularly in the field of non-formal environmental education. This fact is evidenced by regulatory and legal documents on environmental education.The experience of the Scandinavian countries proves that these countries have many common and distinctive points in the environmental education of students.Based on the theoretical analysis of foreign sources, the meaning of the concept of “informal education” is determined, which is defined as any organized systematic educational activity conducted outside the formal system to provide certain subgroups of the population with selected types of education. Non-formal education programs may vary in length and may or may not award a certificate upon completion.It has been found that non-formal education in the Scandinavian countries is aimed at raising an ecologically conscious citizen who is well aware of environmental problems and is ready to take an active part in solving them.The article examines the forms and methods of environmental education and education of students, it is concluded that mainly group forms of education and education are used in non-formal education in the Scandinavian countries. The task of informal environmental education is to bring to the consciousness of every student the need for sustainable development, the solution of ecological problems of the environment with the help of methods of forming social consciousness and methods of stimulating morally appropriate and socially significant behavior and activities.The recommendations have been developed regarding the possibility of using the experience of Scandinavian countries in the educational process of extracurricular educational institutions of Ukraine.

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