
The article substantiates the need to use marketing analytics when planning marketing campaigns with the involvement of the maximum possible number of communication channels in a time dimension. The area of research is the search for effective business metrics used to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of marketing activities. The results of the study showed that at the present stage of development of analytical capabilities, traditional methods of selecting business metrics are changing and depend on the scope of business and the competitive environment, the channels of interaction with customers and their behavior. When choosing the correct metrics, analyst should take into account all the sources of the information, also who will use this data to draw conclusions and make business decisions. Thus, to analyze the performance of the website, we should determine the number of visits, conversion and retention rates. We can evaluate effectiveness of email campaigns by the proportion of open emails, the number of clicks, and return on investment. In the case of paid advertising analysts should estimate the quantity and cost of clicks, the number and value of potential customers. For effective management of marketing activities, it is advisable to use the following business metrics: the cost of attracting one consumer, the cost of the consumer throughout his/her life as a consumer of the company's products or services, the average monthly income per consumer and the proportion of users who performed the targeted action. The primary indicators for calculating business metrics are the company's revenue and expenses. To obtain a reliable value for a business metric, one should take into account all types of expenses associated with product promotion — salaries for specialists in advertising, the cost of photos and videos for advertising posts, designer’s work, payment for writing advertising texts, communication costs, and others. The sequence of metric selection according to one approach corresponds to the traditional conversion funnel. However, nowadays for the most services a high level of new user engagement does not necessarily mean success. Thus, better sequence of metrics is as follows: retention, activation, referral, revenue, acquisition.

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