
This study examines the preliminary license and approval facilitation standards for improvements in quality for childcare centers focusing on the number of children, building space standards, facilities and equipment, and childcare program. Data from 48 caese was collected from childcare centers nationwide in Korea through a questionnaire and building plan. The first step for starting care licensing is to work out the ages and numbers of children within four or five age ranges. The second step is to work out the number of children as small, medium, or large considering staff to child ratios and building size. The Nnext step is to make a choice about childcare service quality classification as minimum, fair, or good, considering space requirements per child for the building, the classroom and the outdoor playground. The next step is to make a choice of space organization relating to service programs, considering the sleeping and eating area, indoor play area, toilet & washing facilities, classroom layouts such as cluster type, double zone type, single zone type, and others. Also, each room and entrance, office, kitchen, storage, laundry, teacher's area, and chilldren's area, need to be checked for space requirements and performances. The last step is to arrange the childcare program with the building and site plan. In conclusion childcare service quality will get better by upgrading of license regulation especially in minimum space requirements per child, corresponding with an increase in GNP and housing area per person. This is needed for childcare licensing in order to determine the quality level of childcare service.

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