
This study uses a proportional odds logit model to find out the factors that affect the 'sufficiency of old-age measures prepared so far' for reverse mortgage users among the Housing Finance Corporation's “2021 Housing Pension Demand Survey”. Utilized. Through this, we tried to find an alternative to stabilizing the old-age income of the elderly, targeting the reverse mortgage subscribers. As a result of the analysis, the most influential factor on the sufficiency of reverse mortgage subscribers' retirement plans was the sufficiency of average monthly income, secondly the sufficiency of assets for living in their old age, thirdly satisfaction with reverse mortgage. And next, area of residence followed by average monthly income. The demographic characteristics of the reverse mortgage subscribers had no significant effect at all on the 'sufficiency of old-age measures prepared so far' except for the region. The reverse mortgage subscribers commonly receive monthly payments through a mortgage, so it can be seen that the average monthly income is more important than anything else. It was clearly derived from the analysis results of this study that the monthly income or pension paid each month is the most suitable means of economic stability in old age to prepare for the longevity risk of the reverse mortgage subscribers.

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