
The article is devoted to the demographic situation in the Komi Republic compared to that in Russia in general. The authors have assessed the role of migration in population decline over the last intercensal period. The changes in the level and structure of fertility and mortality have been identified in view of escalation the measures of demographic policy for fertility increase and in conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The significant birth rate increase over the average Russian value in recent years is a result of realization the regional maternal capital program introduction the third-child-allowance for low-income families, and restoration of the ethnic reproductive behavior of Komi people under conditions of economic stimulation of multi-child families. In the first pandemic year, the mortality rate rose and we observed a positive reduction in the gap between life expectancy of the population of our republic and that in whole Russia, as well as between the rural and the urban population both at state and region levels. The above process was related with the mode of population resettlement and density, as well as with the behavior of people during the period of restrictive measures in the pandemic which determined the rate of infection spread. In 2021, the life expectancy of Komi population repeatedly decreased highlighting the decrease in mortality from other causes. As a result, the natural population loss in the region for the first time exceeded the Russian average.

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