
The issue of training highly qualified personnel is a strategic task of Ukraine. Many educational programs contain natural disciplines in the list of disciplines. There is a need to develop a modern approach to their educational and methodological support. The purpose of the study is to, based on the analysis and generalization of modern approaches to the creation of educational and methodological complexes and modern regulatory requirements, offer the best option for constructing an educational and methodical complex for the study of natural disciplines, including using remote platforms and technologies. As a result of the work, an analysis of approaches to the construction of educational and methodological complexes was carried out. The components of educational and methodological support for higher education institutions on the basis of the legislative framework are determined. The main components of the educational-methodical complex of natural discipline are determined. A generalized list of materials has been compiled to ensure lectures on natural sciences. Distance platforms and technologies have been found to have a positive impact on students' level of knowledge. Their use in classes of different types increases the interest of students, helps to increase motivation and save time. Effective and easy to use is the Moodle platform, which makes it possible to refine different types of classes, to control students' knowledge and to provide them with theoretical material. An algorithm for the development of teaching materials for laboratory, practical and seminar classes in natural disciplines is proposed. An algorithm for the approach to the preparation of materials for independent work of students in the study of natural sciences has been formed. The practical significance of the results lies in the application of the developed approach to the formation of educational and methodological complexes of natural disciplines in higher education institutions of Ukraine.

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