
The methodology for developing a web version of the Electronic Ecological Atlas of the Sea of Azov is based on the use of “cloud” technology of the geoportal — an open platform that is completely built on world industry standards and supports various types of data and services. In 2019, the static part of the Ecological Atlas of the Sea of Azov (Atlas) was completed and posted on the organization’s website, based on the use of standard website creation methods. The objective of the study is to expand the standard means of presenting Atlas data by introducing interactive web applications into it. Web applications are developed on the ArcGis Online platform using Esri standards. As part of the development of the dynamic part of the Atlas, two interactive web applications were created: “Ecological study of the seas of the south of Russia” and “Water Protection Zone of the Sea of Azov”. The application “Ecological study of the seas of the south of Russia” includes thematic maps built on the basis of interactive queries, including maps of the distribution of observation stations by year, by executors and type of observation, as well as infographics and data tables. The web application allows you to create maps that clearly show the results of field research and measurements in the Azov Sea region, as well as allow visual analysis of data from different years, add your own tabular relationships. The purpose of the application developed “Water protection zone of the Azov Sea” is the empowerment of the Atlas through the introduction of interactive web applications tightly themed. One of the objectives is to assess the impact of economic activity on the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov within the water protection zone.


  • ВВЕДЕНИЕ В настоящее время геотехнология является одной из трёх «мегатехнологий» XXI в., наряду с нанотехнологиями и биотехнологией [Gewin, 2004]

  • Sea of Azov is based on the use of “cloud” technology of the geoportal — an open platform that is completely built on world industry standards and supports various types of data and services

  • The objective of the study is to expand the standard means of presenting Atlas data by introducing interactive web applications into it

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ВВЕДЕНИЕ В настоящее время геотехнология является одной из трёх «мегатехнологий» XXI в., наряду с нанотехнологиями и биотехнологией [Gewin, 2004]. АННОТАЦИЯ Методика разработки веб-версии Электронного Экологического атласа Азовского моря опирается на использование «облачной» технологии геопортала — открытой платформы, полностью построенной на мировых отраслевых стандартах и поддерживающей различные типы данных и сервисов. Задача исследования — расширение стандартных средств представления данных электронного Атласа путем внедрения в него интерактивных веб-приложений.

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