
For the present time, the primary inventory of the flora of the Halytsky National Nature Park has been carried out, the rarity component has been clarified, and the work on the study of vegetation has begun. Despite the long study of this territory, inventory of the flora of the park is incomplete. The paper uses traditional methods of floristic research. Critically worked out herbarium specimens in herbar collections CHER, KRAM, KW, LW, LWKS, LWS. Herbarium specimens that were collected during field studies processed in accordance with conventional methods. During field research on the territory of the park, we identified a number of species that were not listed for the flora of the Halytsky National Park. The results of the study flora of the Halytsky National Nature Park. List of flora Park supplemented with 6 new taxa: Festuca rupicola Heuff., Ranunculus repens L., Saxifraga tridactylites L., Thymus glabrescens Willd., Thymus pannonicus All., Thymus × porcii Borbas. Festuca rupicola – a species belonging to the group of females from the group Festuca valesiaca agg. Ranunculus repens – a species occurs in Ukraine in the Forest-Steppe, Polissya and Steppe, Crimea, but no herbarium materials for the northern part of the Ivano-Frankivsk region were reported. Saxifraga tridactylites – a rare species in Ukraine, occurs in scattered Forest. Thymus glabrescens – Southern and Central-Eastern steppe and forest-steppe species. Thymus pannonicus – Eurasian steppe and steppe forest. Thymus × porcii is a hybrid common in the territory of the overlapping areas of two parent species T. pannonicus and T. pulegioides. For everyone species is presented the citation of herbarium labels and critical notes. Keywords: Halytsky National Nature Park, flora, new species, distribution

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