
This study, based on the results of a number of scientific works on the study of sociocultural, socio-historical, socio-psychological and philosophical foundations of the historical genesis of the downshifting phenomenon, examines a number of methodological and analytical approaches that are at different stages of their substan-tive conceptualization and methodological design. Particular attention is paid to the genesis of the process of emergence and development of the foundations of alternative forms of socio-cultural existence of individuals, as well as the culturally and historically substantiated features of their understanding on the part of the social majority, often complicated by a more or less pronounced negative emotional attitude on the part of this majori-ty to manifestations of cultural and social marginality. Based on the results of the study, historically and socio-culturally mediated forms of historically early forms of individual and collective rejection of the massively pro-moted values of society for the sake of those values and goals of individual development that are recognized by the downshifter’s personality as a priority, and sometimes even subjectively perceived as the only true ones.

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