
The general articulation of the issue andits connection with the important research and practice tasks . Analysis of the current development of information and communication, the effectiveness of communication policy in Ukraine, the level of public trust in public institutions, some reforms and social changes, the position of the state in the world competitive rankings, demands and expectations demonstrates the institutional failure of public authorities to such of varied activities. Therefore, appropriateness of this study determined an effective methodological tool for solving the problem - the restoration / formation of trust as an important strategic nonmaterial resource. The analysis of the recent publications regarding the issues this article deals with; identification of parts of the general problem that have not been previously addressed. Investigating to the formation of trust as a strategic non-material resource and efficient use of space communication thoroughly reflected in a number of scientific, sociological studies and monographs, including Bezverkhnyuk T., Bourdieu P., Castells M., Kozhemyakin O., Collis J., Luman N., Ryabtsev G., Fukuyama F. and others. However, comprehensive analysis study on improving the trust in governmental institutions, identifying the main causes and consequences of the prediction weren’t implemented. The purpose (the objective) of this article is to analyze the problem of the formation and functioning strategic communications in Ukraine due to the analysis of low level of trust in the state institutions; identify the main causes of its occurrence, as well as priority directions of effective use of communication potential and opportunities of public administration in forming a strategic trust resource. The key results and the background . The formation of trust is a strategic goal in the interaction of public authorities and society, which can only be provided by a planned and effective communication process. Knowledge, understanding and acceptance belong to the function of communication in the process of reaching consensus and confidence, whereas trust is defined as a strategic goal. An important feature of the new model of relationship between political, administrative institutions and society is the focus on defining, formulating goals and results, that is, focus on the consequences, rather than on the process, and strengthening of feedback mechanisms. An important disadvantage is the lack of certainly defined strategy in the development of the Ukrainian state, which would be supported by most of the population and which would not cause any objections. Based on the consequential analysis, conducted by the author, the main problem in the governmental institutions is an inefficient use of communication potential and opportunities of public administration, the main reasons of those are: the lack of strategic communications and effective strategic management, non-system and inconsistency of developing communication strategies, the lack of communication competences among specialists in public administration. It’s proved that defiance of such problems may lead to a threat to the national security. Conclusions and the prospects of the further research. Within the research there were determined the following priorities of effective and efficient use of the communication potential of public administration: - The institutionalization of strategic communication in the system of public administration as a system of targeted communication campaigns, fashion events aimed at reaching an agreement with all stakeholders to achieve strategic goals. - Creating an integrated system of strategic development, which involves the development of national (general) strategy Grand Strategy Forsyth using the methodology and agreement with the various sectorial and regional development strategies. - Ensuring communication activities provides professional training of civil servants in the formation and analytical work, and strategic communications for public administration. The directions abovementioned are interconnected and interrelated, they are formed strategic goals and efficient priorities of the national information space to achieve the success that will increase the level of trust in public administration

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