
Paleolithic sites in the Russian Primorye appeared not earlier than 18,000 cal. BP. In the territories to the south and southwest, there are a large number of sites with microblade industries dating back to the time before the beginning of LGM. The largest number of dated sites falls at the beginning of LGM (24,000-20,000 cal. BP). Researchers suggest that after 20,000 and up to 15,000 cal. BP, due to the changes in climate, there was an outflow of population from the Korean Peninsula and from northeast China. In Korea, the most prominent representatives of the post-glacial lithic industries are the Hopyeong-dong, Hahwagye-ri, Songdu-ri, and Gigok sites, in northeast China—Datong and Yuafang. The industrial complexes of these sites are characterized by wedge-shaped microcores, end scrapers, burins, punctures, drills, leaf-shaped bifaces, arrowheads, and retouched microblades. In the Russian Primorye, the closest parallels to these complexes are found in the collections of the Ustinovka group of sites. The materials of the early sites, Suvorovo 4, Ustinovka 5, 7 (18,000-16,000 cal. BP) demonstrate direct parallels with the industries of the Hopeyong-dong and Hahwagye-ri sites (25,000-19,000 cal. BP). Later Paleolithic complexes, Suvorovo 3, Ustinovka 6, Ilistaya 1, and Gorbatka 3, are similar to the industries of the Korean Songduri and Gigok sites, and the Chinese Datong and Yuafang sites. Due to the cold period, mobility of ancient man increases rapidly, he actively began to develop coastal areas freed from the sea. Along the coastal strip, there were migrations to the neighboring territories of the Russian Primorye. This process was repeated and was active in both directions.

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