
The article reveals criminal procedural and other features of the verificationof reportsofcrimescommitted by minors. The author analyzes the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of theRussianFederation, which regulate the procedure for verifying a crime report. Attention is drawn to the specifics of theprocedural status of a minor involved in the sphere of pre-trial proceedings, and the presence of gaps inthelegislationinterms of ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of a minor in the production withhis participationofinvestigative and other actions before the initiation of a criminal case. Based on the analysis of materialsoflawenforcement practice, certain aspects of the production of operational-search activities, inspectionof thesceneofthe incident and examination with the participation of a minor are revealed. Based on the analysis of materialsoflaw enforcement practice, certain aspects of the production of operational-search activities, inspectionof thesceneof the incident and examination with the participation of a minor are revealed.

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