
In the course of the experiment, the differentiat-ed influence of various rootstocks and the norms of the bush load with shoots on the agrobiologi-cal indicators of grapes was established. The ob-ject of research was the grapevine variety Livia, rootstocks SO4 and 41B. The studies were car-ried out in the conditions of a moderate conti-nental climate in the Central agroecological zone of viticulture of the Krasnodar region, on irrigat-ed vineyards in a covering culture. Scheme of planting bushes was 3.8×2 m. The soils are low-humus, leached powerful chernozems. The most productive were the vineyards on the rootstock 41B. The bunch size on the 41B rootstock was 1.34 times greater than on SO4, the yield capaci-ty – 1.56 and amounted to 696 g and 28.23 t/ha, respectively. The predominant influence of the 41B rootstock in comparison with SO4 on the productivity of the Livia grapes is preserved with a differentiated load of grape bushes with bunches. With a maximum load of bushes with bunches (SO4 – 33, 41B – 38 pcs./bush), their weight on the 41B rootstock was 43 % higher than on SO4, yield capacity – by 62 %, with an average load (SO4 – 27, 41B − 32 pcs./bush) – by 27 and 48 %, respectively, at minimum load (SO4 – 19, 41B – 23 pcs./bush) – by 32 and 59 %, respectively. The influence of rootstocks on the norm of bush load by shoots is not unam-biguous. Against the background of the maxi-mum number of bunches on bushes, the highest values of bunch weight and grape yield capacity on SO4 and 41B were at loads of 25 and 26 shoots/bush, average – 25 and 33 shoots/bush, minimum – 31 and 20 shoots/bush, respectively. For growing high yields and attractive sizes of bunches of table grapes of Livia variety in the Central agroecological zone of the Krasnodar re-gion, it is recommended to use rootstock 41B, the load norm of bushes with shoots of 26 and bunches of 38 pcs./ bush.

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