
With the aim of exploring and mobilize genetic resources of forage plants of the Central non-Chernozem region from 01 to 10 August 2017, an expedition survey of wild genetic resources and collection of promising forms in the Tver region was conducted. The route of the expedition passed through Staritsa, Rzhev, Ostashkov, Torzhok, Vyshnevolotsk, Bezhetsk, Kesovogorsk and Kalyazin area. The length of the route was 1.8 thousand kilometers, covering the main ecological and geographical diversity of the Tver region. When examining and collecting the most promising forms of wild food plants of the Tver region have used the qualifiers "Cereals of the USSR" (Tsvelev N.N.), "Herbaceous plants of the USSR": in 2 volumes (editorship T.A. Rabotnov). Field and laboratory about the inspections were conducted in accordance with "Federal instructions for conducting geobotanical survey of the natural pastures and the compilation of large-scale geobotanical maps" (1984). Coordinates of the survey sites and collection of promising forms of forage plants were determined using the Tablet-Navigator "ASUS" and software "Navitel". The richest species diversity of forage plants was found in phytocenoses of floodplain meadows of the Volga river, deposits and lakes of the Tver region watershed. Collected 140 samples of aboriginal food plants of the representatives of the families Gramineae (22 species) and Fabaceae (14 species), promising to replenish the regional collections and the creation of environmentally sustainable varieties of crops. Special interest in Cereals has cocksfoot and fescue, the dominant in most plant communities of the floodplains and reservoirs. Most forms of these species have brown color of stems, leaves and inflorescences, as a reaction of species to recurrent spring frosts.

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