
The purpose of the research is to shed light on the intertextual interference of languages in the literary text of Chechnya’s Russian-speaking writers of the XX century. The paper is the first to trace the main types of literary bilingualism, using the material of Chechen literature: Russian-language works by Chechen writers, author’s and interlinear translation, works by Chechen writers and writers of different nations in Russian. The research traces the main stages in the functioning of literary bilingualism in the Chechen literary process. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in combining and carrying out a comprehensive study of these criteria in modern research. It is the first time that the analysis of the processes of interaction and mutual influence of language systems in the setting of bilingualism or multilingualism, manifested in deviations from the norm, and the system of one language under the influence of another in the context of Russian-national bilingualism is provided. As a result, the researcher has proved that there are specific features peculiar to the creative activity of bilingual authors in the linguocultural sphere.

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