
In Russia, ecosystem service assessments at the regional level (as opposed to national and local) are currently underdeveloped. The article presents a regional assessment of the main groups of ecosystem services and the results of their approbation for the territory of the Altai Kraj; their spatial differentiation was revealed depending on natural and socio-economic conditions. The main units of analysis are the regions of the Altai Kraj. The assessment was carried out taking into account the structure of the economy and the nature of land use in the study region, as well as the importance of individual ecosystem services for its economy. Based on the results of the assessment, the territory was zoned and compared with its landscape structure; schematic maps were drawn up. The zone of high value of reg-ulating and cultural ecosystem services is spread in the Altai and Salairo-Kuznetsk-Alataus mountain-ous landscape areas of the region, as well as in the northern part of the Kulunda province of the steppe zonal area. It is characterized by the high value of carbon sequestration by forests, game animals and the attractiveness of landscapes. The second zone is formed by areas with valuable arable land and hayfields providing ecosystem services. In natural terms, these are steppe (South-Prialeiskaya prov-ince) and forest-steppe (Upper-Obskaya province) regions. They produce the most valuable crop products in the region. The zone of medium and low value of regulating and insufficiently developed supporting ecosystem services is represented by the areas of western and southern parts of the steppe zonal area, northern and central parts of the forest-steppe zonal area. These territories do not have a high value of any ecosystem services. The results of the study contribute to improving the structure of land use in municipal organisations of Altai Krai and the development of strategies for their development, aimed at an optimal combination of the goals of socio-economic development and preservation of the quality of life-supporting functions of its ecosystems.

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