
Han Yu(韓愈)''s SongQiongWen(送窮文) has its own complex and ambiguous characteristics. So, each previous editors attributed it to a different style in their anthology. These complex features have also influenced the creation of ancient Korean writers who have honored Han Yu''s prose works as a paradigm. These forms of creation in ancient Korea can be summarized as two main ways. First, It is the series of GuShiMaMun(驅詩魔文), which is one of writing form ZaWen(雜文) that has strong fable character. Second, It is the series of SongDuShinMun(送痘神文), which is one of writing form ZaWen or Poetry(詩詞) that has strong character of funeral oration(祭文). These can be attributed to the stylistic complexities of Han Yu''s SongQiongWen. Especially, as series of SongDuShinMun that can be seen as cultural products which were occurred from the backdrop of the cultural environment in the late Joseon Dynasty. Therefore, these are worth the research as an example of the creative form of literature that Joseon writers have adopted and transformed Chinese literature independently.

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