
We consider modern approaches to determining the evaluative side of the emotional and aesthetic component in a modern personality. The interrelation of the emotional and aesthetic parts as dynamic and meaningful components is revealed. The defined structure of the emotional and aesthetic component of personality is multilevel, multifaceted and multifunctional. Based on the many components of the emotional and aesthetic component of the personality, a system of criteria for evaluating the attitude of a person to people and business is eventually formed. Emotional and aesthetic development, providing a conscious, sensual perception of the surrounding reality by a person, forms the moral basis of views and beliefs, provides the opportunity for full-fledged productive interaction, cooperation, communication in collective creativity and various life situations. The level of emotional and aesthetic development of a personality is determined by objective socio-pedagogical and subjective psychological and physiological factors. To unite the team and coordinate the dance group, it is desirable to align it to a socially approved one. In most cases, the level of emotional and aesthetic development of a person is subject to correction, which is possible in the process of collective forms of education that contribute to changing the attitude of a person to creativity, the educational process, self-development and professional formation. The highlighted main components of the evaluation function of the emotional and aesthetic component of the personality can be formed during the educational process of students of the choreographic department and contribute to its effectiveness. As the most effective we consider an open discussion, implemented through the use of communicative skills in accordance with the emotional and aesthetic requirements of the culture of communication, as well as collective versatile creativity with the distribution of role functionality.

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