
The era of the Time of Troubles influenced the special character of literature and exacerbated the theme of the “Russian worldˮ, which by the XVI century had become stable. Two journalistic monuments ‘The New Tale of the Glorious Russian Kingdom’ and ‘The Lament of the Captivity and the Final Ruin of the Moscow state’ reflect the authors' concerns about the current situation of Russia: the absence of a legitimate ruler, the Polish-Swedish intervention, the possibility of ascension to the throne of a foreigner. The theme of the “Russian worldˮ, which is viewed through the prism of the author's calls not to allow the destruction of the foundations that make up the Russian civilizational code, also turns out to be related to these issues. Key words: Russian world, the Time of the Troubles, civilizational code, Orthodox Christianity, governor Acknowledgments: The publication was prepared as part of the implementation of the SO of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, project no. 122020100347-2.

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