
As one of the most popular forms of social commerce, on-line social commerce can provide many benefits for consumers, such as lower prices, information sharing, and so on. This research attempted to compare the differences of social commerce participation behavior between Korean consumers and Chinese consumers. The paper also studied the effect of demographic factors and individual propensities on consumer's participation behavior, such as the need for cognition, innovativeness, interactivity, reliability, groupism, and price consciousness. The results and conclusions of this research are as follows. First, consumer's individual propensities are different between China and Korea. In general, Korean participants have a higher level of innovativeness and price consciousness and a lower level of groupism than Chinese participants. Second, the influential factors of social commerce website visiting frequency and the participation in social commerce are different between the two countries. In Korea, consumer's age, innovativeness, and price consciousness have evident effects on the visiting frequency of social commerce websites. While in China, consumer's education, job, innovativeness, and groupism are significant.

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