
The article is devoted to the problem of redemption as a legal fact. In its external form and in its legal consequences, it represents a paid transfer of ownership of a thing and thus primarily resembles a contract of sale, so that it could be considered as a special case of it. However, at the doctrinal level, there is a completely different picture, where the redemption under its civil law regime is not only not identified with the purchase and sale, but sometimes does not even receive unambiguous recognition as a transaction. It is noted that the comparison of various options for redemption, enshrined in the norms of civil law, allows us to identify one common feature for them: in all cases, the decision to transfer ownership or to terminate the obligation (as in the case of an annuity contract) is made not by mutual will, but unilaterally. At the same time, the transfer of the right or the termination of the legal relationship in all cases is carried out on a strictly reimbursable basis. The universal property of redemption is precisely the legal effect, the emergence of a new legal relationship is only optional. Therefore, it is possible to formulate the definition of re-demption as a paid termination of a real or binding legal relationship at the request of one of the parties or a third party. In determining the redemption price, the agreement of the parties one of them is obliged to pay the agreed amount and the right to appropriate the thing from another – an obligation to provide the item and receive the agreed amount. Thus, the relation-ship of the participants in the buyout fits the description of the obligation. Moreover, the existence of an agreement between the parties indicates that this obligation is of a contractual nature. In the case of a buyout, such an integral element of the freedom of contract as the ability to decide at its own discretion whether to enter into this contract or not to enter into it is not maintained. More precisely, only one of the parties to the contract, namely the initiator of the purchase, is entitled to such a right, and this violates another fundamental principle of civil law – the equality of the participants in the legal relationship. The overall buyout model is a complex factual composition and includes the following elements: 1) the Base purchase (for example, abandoned the maintenance of cultural values, the mistreatment of animals, disagreeing with the decision of the shareholders meeting, etc); 2) treatment with the ransom demand, the transaction; 3) determination of the redemption price of: a) by agreement – a contractual obligation; b) court – ordered non-contractual obli-gation; 4) Payment of the purchase price (optional characterized proprietary and joint rela-tions, is the transfer of property to the payer; 5) Termination of a pre-existing legal relation-ship (with or without a new one).

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